Hey, I’m Tyler.

Welcome to The Mighty Odd.

HI rock.png

I’ve been a trainer for a long time (over 17 years now), and I don’t think the fitness industry is actually helping people.

I think we can do a lot better.

Coaching should be a collaborative process. The true purpose of a coach, teacher, or trainer is to listen, support, and inform. To guide from experience and knowledge, and to support through listening and dialogue.

You don’t have to be like me or do the things I do. I want to help you be you in the best, most fulfilling way for you, defined by you.

My Approach

-Actively anti-oppressive training methodologies

-Weight neutral


-Coaching as dialogue

The Technical Stuff

-Over 17 years as a professional trainer and coach

-FMT Movement Specialist

-FMT Blades IASTM certified

-FMS certified

-FRC Mobility Specialist

-NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)

-Certified Olympic Weightlifting coach

-Certified kids’ instructor

-Certified Crossfit Gymnastics Instructor

-Maxbells kettlebell certified

-Monkey Bar Gym Certified Natural Trainer (CNT)

-APA powerlifting judge

-Worked with and attended seminars of dozens of coaches and athletes across strength sports, movement arts, and grappling including Dan John, Jim Schmitz, Butch Curry, Tommy Kono, Mike Burgener, Ido Portal, Pedro Sauer, Marcel Monteiro, Steve Atlas, Zack McCarley, Robert Oberst, Steve Maxwell, Nick Best, Matt Vincent, Adriane Wilson, and more.



“Tyler is the best trainer I’ve worked with. His approach to fitness/movement/health is unique and exciting. I really appreciate his holistic view on exercise and his emphasis on how everything in your body is connected in some way. 

Some of the movements he makes you do might but be traditional, but they will always have meaning. Highly recommend!”

— Andrew S.

“Tyler remains one of the most influential people in my ongoing martial arts and fitness journey. We trained BJJ together at a school where he also taught combat conditioning. Tyler was established at that school as a trusted leader and a committed martial artist. 

To this day, I regularly practice techniques and philosophies I learned from training with him.”

— Dom V.

“I consider myself someone with a decent knowledge of health, movement, and fitness. Whenever I spend time with Tyler, I am forced to reconsider that. 

No-one I’ve met does a better job of getting you to ask your own questions, of convincing you to drop preconceived notions of right and wrong, and of bringing you back to the start, in your own body.”

— Matthew P.

Tyler has helped introduce me to exercises and movements I didn’t ever think I could do. Not only has he been an amazing coach and teacher, but he has challenged me and encouraged me to believe and trust myself. 

There’s no judgement when working with Tyler, and he squashes any sort of cliche “gym trainer” stereotypes you might have. 

I will forever be a huge advocate for him and his constant efforts to challenge himself to better himself as a coach. He will welcome anyone who wants to learn with open arms, and I would highly encourage anyone to work with him.

-Priscilla T.

Does this sound like something you’ve been looking for?

Let’s talk!